Monday, July 29, 2024

My books

 29th of July 2024   Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewarding books to read, see which ought to lead to 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Happier life : Christmas gnome like life

There are different versions of gnome like life, not all happy at all by the Finnish standards. My version seeks to offer happy life for people abroaf, but I do not know how well it succeeds in that, but at least it has many links to advices about learning skills and talents.

6th of April 2024    You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the headers at

Monday, July 9, 2018

Intelligence and stupidity

As far as I know, The Chinese think that the stupid ones are happy,since they like their work. That does not mean idiotic but stupid who want to be civilized, and it often means that the Chinese aim at slightly less intelligent role than what they could reach by diligently studying. The good point in it is that if one keeps a pause, say for example that one is at a buss station on the road somewhere, then the pause makes one open one's senses to the life around, to the richness of life. One is not in all things as skilled, and so one may reach the multitude of the phenomena in life fromslightly less intelligent viewpoint than one's usual skill level, kind of like a beginner. At the same time oneis not concentrated into achieving something like points, and so one's way of doing is wiser, much wiser. On the other hand I have myself noticed that I do better in life, find more room for myself if I am as intelligent as possible, but by that I mean music like level of skill which is largely skills in living. Then I am not all the time achieving something but more like enjoying life, living in the richness of everyday life.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

How to use the libraries

Going to the library can either ruin your quality of life or make it better and give more freedom. If you borrow study books or books from the same subjects that earlier interested you, you propably no longer find anything new in them, they do not open new worlds of fascinating possibilities but just show the lack of skill and scope that even these propably famous persons had. But if you do not read so many books on one subject and borrow books that open new fascinating areas of life, make them possible for you, then you gain new positive possibilities to your life by so doing.
Library is not the place to go to if you want to get stuck in the present content of life. But if you need some new area of life or some new wisdom, borrowing good quality books on those subjects and seeing what they have to ofeer instead of so mcu discussing with them in your mind, leaves them as possibilities, helps you by their skill, but does not obstruct you if you do not read them too slowly. If you lack some skill, a book about that area of life can give it to you if you somewhat keep it in your social sphere like an aquiantage.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Without aches

I am not sure of this but Do people in warm or hot climates suffer from aches in cool evenings? Many foreigners in Finland suffer from cold aches which result from being too lazily, nonsportily in cool or cold so that the body gets too cool or even cold. Moving sportily like doing physical labour creates heat (much more than moving agilily or lazily) and cures the aches away. All of one's body should be healthily warm always. When one moves sportily in coo or cold, one's blood circulation cools excess heat away while physical work creates warmth, so that it is then very easy to quickly and all the time attain the best warmth for one's whole body. Keeping the body warm demands that the air just outside the body in clothes and by the face and hands gets warm too from your body heat. Fat people are hotter compared to the weather, so copying the rythm of moving from them causes cold aches and copying the rythm and energetic moving from normal weight persons without pains removes aches effectively.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Kipinöivän tenhoavat ihmissuhteet


"Kipinöivät ihmissuhteet

Tuli tällanen aika arkijärkinen ihmissuhdeohje mieleen, näin joululahjaksi kai:

Jos on oma itsensä  ja ihmiskohtaamisissaan, siis tavallisen arjen tavallisissa ihmiskohtaamisissa on toisellakin omat piirteensä, niin jos menee niihin hiukan mukaan, aina sen verran kunkinlaisiin piirteisiin kuin itselle kiehtovinta on, aina vain muutamaksi minuutiksi tai niin kuin hyvältä tuntuu ja luontevaa on, niin ihmissuhteista voi kustakin oppia jotakin elämästä, vaikka oltaisiin erilaisia ja vaikka nuo toiset eivät niin viisaita ja kiehtovia tavallisesti olisi. Oppii siis elämästä, elää kiehtovampaa arkea, ja kultakin ihmiseltä voi valita, mitkä piirteet ovat niitä samanlaisia kuin mikä minua kiinnostaisi ja mitkä jäävät etäämmäs. Tällä tavoin syntyi välillä oikein kipinöivän tenhoavat ihmissuhteet, mutta se edellyttää, ettei ole kaavamainen, muodollinen tai valehtele itselleen.
Rattoisaa Joulua!

Asioiden kanssa on sama juttu: jos saa itse valita etäisyyden ja sen, minkä verran on niiden kanssa tekemisissä, asiat ovta paljon tenhoavampia."

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Työn tuoman väsymyksen lieventämisestä

Kirjoitan tämän suomeksi, kun en tiedä, miten se yleistettäisiin ulkomaiden kulttuureihin, etenkään laajemmalti.
Pääkaupunkiseudulla asuessani moni oli väsynyt työpäivän jälkeen ja töistä tarttui heihin jonkinlainen kuiva luokittelöeva terminologinen lähestymistapa, joka ei paljon uusia vaihtoehtoja löytänyt eikä osannut niin hyvin kaikkea kuin mitä he voimissaan tai vapaapäivinä osasivat. Jonkinlainen "laita nämä nyt siihen ja sitten teet nämä ja näiden jälkeen on nuo ja tuosta tuo vielä piti muistaa, ja sitten kun olet valmis noista niin jatkat tuonne noiden pariin...", missä ei ole paljoa hahmotustavassa ideaa vaan joka on pikemminkin asioiden järjestämisen perspektiivi, niin sellainen näköalattomuus ja voimattomuus sitten tarttui kaikkiin töissä ja niin sitä oli vähän kaikkialla latistamassa ja tuottamassa epäonnistumisia ja ei riittävän hyvää elämänlaatua.
 Niin siihen auttaa, jos on itsellä taju terveistä elämäntavoista ja terveestä tavasta tehdä asioita, mm vaihtelevanrytmisyydestä ja polveilevasta tavasta tehdä asioita sekä toki siitä, ettäon elämänlaadulle hyvä liikkua edes jonkin verran ja viettää aikaa ulkoan säässä ja luonnosta nauttien. Kun koko päivän puurtaa töitä, niin voi tuostakin idea kadota, mutta jos joku näyttää mallia, niin muistaa, että ai tuollastahan se oli, tuttu juttu.
Jos sen sijaan ihan ohimennen on tekemisissä tai ei itse ole nykyisellään niin hyvin elämäntavoin elävä, niin sen sijaan, että olisi noiden karuuntuneiden asiaperspektiivien kanssa tekemisissä, voi jättää väliin melkein kaikkialle mielessää pöllähdyksen lämmintä ilmaa tms mielikuva palleroisuudesta, jota mm loma, helle, jälkiruoka, jotkin huvitukset, joillekin mielikuvitus, jne ovat, niin se pehmentää törmäyksiä ja kohtaamisia, koska nuo muut ovat vain uupuneita eivätkä pahantahtoisia.
Semn sijaan ei saa lähteä paapomaan heitä tarjoamalla heile etuuksia tai luksusta, jos he ovat hankalia, sillä jotkut, joilla oli hyväsydäminen auttavainen äiti, keräävät kaikki etuudet ja menevät siitä entistä paheentuneemmiksi, kun ne muka kuuluvat heille, koska he ovat hankalia luonteita. Elikkä tervehenkistä on, että he rakentavat itse itselleen hyvän elämän, jos sitä haluavat, ennenkaikkea rakentavat tervehenkisyydellä hyvää elämää, sen sijaan, että tulisivat pahanteon perusteella lahjotuiksi, kun se muka on ajattelemattomuutta vain.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Happiness is a skill

In my experience happiness does not come as a gift to a person but demands skill and effort in learning the talents of happy life. But the society has shared wisdom about happy life and good ways of living and that kind of comes as a gift to all, so that if you are satisfied with that amount of happiness, you get it as a gift: a good meal, free time, like-minded people from hobbies, holidays, family life, summer cottage, religion,... But if someone looks happy, they typically have some wisdom about relaxing and following feelings and are personally satisfied with something in their life that the society offers a possibility to, like a hobby or living in a certain district or having a certain kind of work with certain values well taken care of. They typically feel that they have freedom, but it may be because they wanted to choose something that is too ordinary for others. The Finnish rule "Live and let others live" gives more freedom.

Saturday, May 30, 2015


Sometimes when you have a moment or two extra time and you spend it wandering and looking around, those moments feel like a richer time, rich with experience, multiple sensations and feelings. That is like meditation i.e. a way to happiness and skill. Those richer moments have something to do with it being just a few moments and not some long lasting labour. Something to do with it being like a twinding path from one experience to another, then to next ones and so on. A way to happier life if you can find it.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

How to stop a child from crying - and finding comfort also as an adult

I was in a shop and saw a woman with a crying boy and tried this and it worked well, the child stopped crying.
Things bother one when one is stuck in one perspective and way of doing things but things go some other way and one would need to adapt but somehow it wdoes not work in the situation. Typically the reason for this is a too fixed way of keeping the body. One should have a more sporty attitude, ready to walk, run, change posture and ways of moving, react, be fascinated about the sensations in moving like those who are talented in sports are, kind of finding a new world that can be found in walking toward things and experiences, touching with hands, feeling, seeing the marvel in things, being free to let go and be fascinated with the next temptation: colours, lights, movement, things and people with their ways of living etc. Avoiding rigid rules in this, just doing it for fun, for comfort and letting go if one is not motivated for it anymore, and trying it again some other time and/or some other place.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Buddha's insight on western language

Buddha was a person some 2 000 years ago who found constantly happy life and great compassion from widened awareness. Buddha means enlightened. He and others with roughly the same insight founded the philosophy of life called Buddhism. Buddhism teaches the art of happiness and masterful skill coming from a natural wide awareness.
On western language buddhas found healthy happy life according to the human nature. A wide landscape like awareness is a part of that and gives wisdom and solves problems on the way. Healthy happy stimuli of healthy happy natural life according to feelings and with wisdom, give content to life and make one happy.
Even though not equally happy at all times but with variation from moment to moment, but with wisdom of life can one live with integrity also moments of sorrow and suffering which great skill and wisdom of life lessen noticeably, and so be continually almost happy or in a quite good mood and satisfied with life.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Buddhist meditation with healthy ways of living

Buddhism is an oriental philosophy of life that gives advices for reaching happiness, kind human relationships and high level of skill. The basic advice of Buddhism is the same as of all skills: attentin. In Buddhism one should have a wide awareness that includes the present moment, one's own life, one's social relationships and one's relationship to the wide world. This is called meditation and should bring happiness. Compassion is encouraged and said to make one's awareness better, more meditative, i.e. widely aware and living the present moment with the senses. Awareness brings skills and wisdom with which life becomes easier. Awareness of the senses, of one's own feelings, of wise ways to live and be a member of the society bring content to life and wisdom to meet life's challenges wisely.
These work best with an emphazis on naturality. That is why the basic Buddhist exercise, sitting meditation, consists of letting go and just sitting, enjoying the senses, the present moment, following one's breathing. Naturality also means following one's feelings fully and compassionately. It also appears to mean healthy natural ways of living, at least that cures the course to something more familiar and surely healthy in psirit. Poems seems to have this kind of mixture of awareness with one's feelings too and healthy wise things to do.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Keep personal space around you for the comfort of feelings

Like when you sit with a blanket around yourself or put on a woolen shirt when it is cold, you kind of emotionally reserve some space around you for yourself, for your emotions' comfort. Likewise your emotions typically need a large sphere around you and in front of you, to allow yourself to tune emotionally into the things you do and associate with, and to allow yourself personal freedom to be emotional in ways that are healthy and natural and good for you. A kind of protection space for your emotions and for your wish to also feel about the things in life. (For me that space is over a meter in my front side and maybe 30cm to the sides and my back, and half a meter up and down from me.) You do not need to keep that space empty, you just need it in your mind for your emotions, you need to dominate the emotional side of that space sociually in what comes to your own emotions only.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Do not describe yourself detailedly

The things that you do should TASTE LIKE LIFE, not like written text. So do not describe your self too detailedly. What is your work, do you like it and one or two or so (if you know people better) major hobbies and something about what those hobbies are like, a thing or two about your daily life and that's it! The rest gets classied as your personality. For example unmentioned skills create charm which makes social relationships work better.
Goodwill and good moral leave room for freedom. Wisdom of life is important but it is more like a characteriustic of deciding about things than a wordly description of your life.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Choose among many possibilities

The very best sounding choices are often somehow sabotaged and many are made to fit for all and especially the negative people with lots of money. What is best for an ordinary person, are often ordinary choices. It is also things valued that have some sound of work, so that when you have them in your life, you tend to pick the best things in them and if they do not work out you drop them away for that day. Being picky and opportunistic makes you choose the best parts but that demands that you have something to choose from, which should be healthy parts of the daily life and not just somethings sold extra which often deteriorates to a good meal, which is good for the hungry but not the key to happy life.
Of course some things are really good and have the reputation of being such, like religion, the beauty of nature, sports, music and arts at large and a little piece of life in the country side with it's practical chores.But for many of these too it matters to not to place your happiness on one card only but to have many friends and like-minded people, many kindsof things to do for a short while and many interesting things in life, many sources of happiness.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Find your own mixture of nice things to do

Happiness seems to demand at least a little bit of many fullfilling things and many kinds of exercise in life but mostly does not bear overly much of them. So 15 minutes of something each week is often much better than nothing at all, if it is a thing that brings more happiness to just you or some incredient of the healthy natural ages old ways of living, but anything more must be decided according to what feels good for you. You have to find a way of living that is right for just you.
If you try somebody else's clothes or some opinion of theirs, it is most likely that it suits just their character but not yours. Similarly with things to do it is best to stick to your own likings and to those things that are healthy and suited to most people.
What you need varies from one day to another and from one moment to another. So do not make rigid rules of something that was once a good choise. Instead allow variation.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Solve life's problems solution centeredly

Each way of looking at things is like building from certain kinds of building blocks: certain things you can so build but others not. Similarly in solving life's problems you need a better perspective, a better way of looking at things and better values and way of living to succeed in problem solving. Using the ways which brought the problems just gets you jammed in the same trouble - until you change your approach profoundly.
Women's cultural ways and values, poetry and music, religions and healthy ways of living on all areas of life bring a better understanding and solve many of otherwise unsolvable big problems in life.
If you take a not-so-wise perspectiva too seriously , you drown to it with it's shortcomings and probems. School is not a wise perspectiva but some elementary things that kids need to learn to begin with, with age one should aim higher! If yo wanna solve problems, you should take life lighter and invest enermously in wise perspectives, wisdom of life and glimpses of better life.